Boeing 787 Electronic Window Tinting

Boing 787

The frontiers of window tinting on homes and cars has been pushed further by Boeing’s introduction of personalized on-the-fly window tint adjustments within their new Boeing 787 aircraft.  Window seat passengers can choose their own darkness of tint desired through a push of a button.

This aircraft window tinting technology is provided by PPG Industries, a materials company based in Pittsburgh, PA.  Boing wanted to be able to push the envelope in providing a unique experience within their newest aircraft.  This involved complete redesign of the interior of the aircraft for a airy generous feeling down to personalized control of the window darkness on the windows.

The exact specifications of the electro-chromic window film has not been discussed, but from the demonstrations and the press coverage so far, seems like there can be up to 5 different tint settings.  The darkest setting is less than .1%  VLT, virtually opaque.  Window darkness settings can be overridden by the flight crew to promote lighting uniformity during movies or sleeping hours in over-water flights.

We are seeing the next generation of window tinting technology here, on-the-fly personalization!

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